github spring-projects/sts4 4.15.1.RELEASE

latest releases: 4.29.0.RELEASE, vscode-spring-boot-1.61.0-RC2, vscode-spring-boot-1.61.0-RC1...
2 years ago

fixes and improvements

  • (Spring Boot) fixed: VScode incorrectly suggests removing @Autowired annotation from methods (#787)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: VScode quick fix should not suggest removing @Autowired annotation from JUnit tests (#786)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Not able to extract the new version of spring-tool-suite-4-4.15.0.RELEASE-e4.24.0-win32.win32.x86_64.self-extracting.jar on windows 11 (#788)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Cannot open Spring Boot Language Server Java Editor settings menu (#789)

known issues

  • (Eclipse): Due to additional third-party add-ons being installed by default into the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution, the Maven POM file editor still uses the old XML editor when selecting the source page of that editor (instead of the new, XML language server based one). You can workaround that by manually opening the pom.xml file with Open With and select the Generic Editor.

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