github spring-projects/sts4 4.14.1.RELEASE

latest releases: 4.27.0.RELEASE, vscode-spring-boot-1.59.0-RC2, vscode-spring-boot-1.59.0-RC1...
2 years ago

import changes

  • (VSCode) enhancement: live hovers are now automatically show up when you launch a Spring Boot application in VSCode. Additional JVM args for the Spring Boot app to enable JMX are added to the launch automatically. More details can be found in the user guide section about Live Application Information.

fixes and improvements

  • (Spring Boot) fixed: use startupSnapshot instead of startup timer call to avoid wiping out the underlying data
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: When vscode opens a Java project for about 2 hours, the suggestion function will fail (#750)
  • (VSCode) improvement: add extension APIs to get live data (#751) - contributed by @Eskibear

known issues

  • (Eclipse): There is an issue with the internal web browser opening HTTP URLs on macOS, showing an error popup from the operating system instead of opening the HTTP URL. Therefore, the default setting has changed to use the external system browser by default.

  • (Spring Boot): Importing Spring Guides into the IDE using Gradle can result in an exception error dialog showing up, complaining about an incompatible class file version. This is most likely due to the IDE running on the embedded JDK17 by default, but the Gradle version in some Spring Guides is not yet updated to a JDK17-compatible version of Gradle. If you face this issue, please import the Spring Guide using Gradle, as usual, ignore the error dialog, and switch to Gradle 7.3 in the file of the imported project. Then trigger a refresh of the Gradle project using the context menu.

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