🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Bump com.github.spullara.mustache.java:compiler from 0.9.11 to 0.9.12 #2957
- Bump com.github.spullara.mustache.java:compiler from 0.9.12 to 0.9.13 #2960
- Bump com.gradle.develocity from 3.17.2 to 3.17.3 #2976
- Bump com.gradle.develocity from 3.17.3 to 3.17.4 #2992
- Bump com.hazelcast:hazelcast from 5.3.6 to 5.3.7 #2914
- Bump io.projectreactor:reactor-bom from 2023.0.4 to 2023.0.5 #2920
- Bump io.projectreactor:reactor-bom from 2023.0.5 to 2023.0.6 #2979
- Bump io.projectreactor:reactor-core from 3.4.36 to 3.4.37 #2921
- Bump io.projectreactor:reactor-core from 3.4.37 to 3.4.38 #2980
- Bump io.spring.ge.conventions from 0.0.15 to 0.0.16 #2909
- Bump io.spring.ge.conventions from 0.0.16 to 0.0.17 #2953
- Bump io.spring.gradle:spring-security-release-plugin from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 #2896
- Bump io.spring.gradle:spring-security-release-plugin from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 #2945
- Bump org-mongodb from 4.11.1 to 4.11.2 #2912
- Bump org-slf4j from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13 #2930
- Bump org-springframework-boot from 3.2.3 to 3.2.4 #2900
- Bump org-springframework-boot from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 #2948
- Bump org.aspectj:aspectjweaver from to 1.9.22 #2902
- Bump org.aspectj:aspectjweaver from 1.9.22 to #2969
- Bump org.springframework.data:spring-data-bom from 2023.1.4 to 2023.1.5 #2931
- Bump org.springframework.data:spring-data-bom from 2023.1.5 to 2023.1.6 #2991
- Bump org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom from 6.2.3 to 6.2.4 #2939
- Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 6.1.5 to 6.1.6 #2928
- Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 6.1.6 to 6.1.7 #2987