⭐ New Features
- Clarify documentation code snippet(s) (unclear where static imported methods come from) #12991
- Document 5.8 Migration for DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler #12356
- Documentation should mention that an empty SecurityContext should also be saved #12906
- Expression-Based Access Control do not working as explain in spring security document for 6.0.2 also tried 6.0.5 the issue persist #12928
- Fixed test in DefaultLoginPageGeneratingFilterTests #12694
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Bug in documentation of Storing the Authentication manually #12850
- DaoAuthenticationProvider is not usable on RHEL 8.7 with enforced FIPS mode #12873
- EntityId ignored in xml relying-party-registration #12776
- Fix .access(...) parameter #12676
- Fix a javadoc typo in ReactiveAuthorizationManager #12999
- Fix a javadoc typo in ReactiveAuthorizationManager #12982
- Fix ID of WebSocket Authorization section #12872
- HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository fails to create a session because of the deferred security context support #12314
- JdkSerializationRedisSerializer is not able to serialize Saml2LogoutRequest because of a lambda encoder #12472
- Missing spring-security-oauth2 xsds after release #12805
- NimbusReactiveJwtDecoder.JwkSetUriReactiveJwtDecoderBuilder holds a reference to JWSVerificationKeySelector before ConfigurableJWTProcessor.setJWSKeySelector is executed #13004
- RelyingPartyRegistrations should not fail when SPSSODescriptor elements are present #13054
- Saml2 RelyingPartyRegistration.nameIdFormat is ignored and not set in AuthnRequest from OpenSamlAuthenticationRequestResolver #12935
- SecurityWebApplicationInitializer.getSecurityDispatcherTypes example is wrong in migration guide #12939
- SwitchUserFilter should use HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository by default #12835
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Update blockhound to 1.0.8.RELEASE #13024
- Update io.projectreactor to 2020.0.31 #13022
- Update io.spring.javaformat to 0.0.38 #13025
- Update logback-classic to 1.2.12 #13021
- Update org.eclipse.jetty to 9.4.51.v20230217 #13026
- Update org.springframework to 5.3.27 #13027
- Update org.springframework.data to 2021.2.10 #13028
- Update org.springframework.data to 2021.2.11 #13029
- Update reactor-netty to 1.0.31 #13023
❤️ Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!