⭐ New Features
- Document authentication helper method in WebClient integration #10468
- Document authentication helper method in WebClient integration for Servlet Environments #10120
- Document parameters converter in oauth2 client servlet docs #10469
- Document parameters converter in oauth2 client servlet docs #10467
🪲 Bug Fixes
incorrectly comparesGrantedAuthority
#10595- clockSkew Javadoc is not consistent with implementation #10535
- Invalid_request failures in JwtTokenValidators are always turned into invalid_token errors #10560
- Kotlin DSL examples in reactive oauth2 docs call build twice #10591
- StaticServerHttpHeadersWriter should work with case-insensitive header names #10581
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Update cas-client-core to 3.6.4 #10654
- Update hibernate-entitymanager to 5.6.3.Final #10653
- Update io.projectreactor to 2020.0.14 #10651
- Update jackson-bom to 2.13.1 #10647
- Update jackson-databind to 2.13.1 #10648
- Update jackson-datatype-jsr310 to 2.13.1 #10649
- Update junit-bom to 5.8.2 #10656
- Update logback-classic to 1.2.9 #10646
- Update mockk to 1.12.1 #10650
- Update org.jetbrains.kotlin to 1.5.32 #10655
- Update org.junit.jupiter to 5.8.2 #10657
- Update org.springframework to 5.3.14 #10658
- Update reactor-netty to 1.0.14 #10652
- Update spring-ldap-core to 2.3.5.RELEASE #10659
❤️ Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!