⭐ New Features
- Allow to use KafkaListenerContainerFactory with custom message converter for batch and record listeners #2566
- Repeating headers in Non-Blocking Retry Mechanism #2549
🐞 Bug Fixes
- ProducerFactory's argument txIdPrefix of createProducer not marked as
#2583 - Container Does Not Pause for Missing Acks After a Rebalance #2581
- Non-blocking retries: partition rebalance causes emergency consumer stop #2576
- NPE in FailedBatchProcessor if Reported Index is Out of Bounds #2558
- An application using default spring boot configuration fails at the startup when there are multiple
📔 Documentation
- The documentation of the autoFlush seems to be confusing (to me) #2562
- GH-2516: Fix code example in the documentation for for Non-Blocking Retries - DLT Failure Behavior #2517
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade Jackson, Micrometer, Reactor, Spring Data, Spring Framework Versions #2592
- Upgrade to Apache Kafka 3.3.2 #2552
🔨 Tasks
- Update Gradle Enterprise plugin #2578
❤️ Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@jprinet and @jucosorin