github spring-projects/spring-integration v5.2.5.RELEASE

latest releases: v6.4.1, v6.3.7, v6.4.0...
4 years ago

Change log:

98765fe (5.2.x) Fix deprecation for TX; fix JMS tests; Moore-SR6
9dc55fd Fix ActiveMQMultiContextTest for trustAllPackages
1759080 Upgrade dependencies
9a68497 GH- 3223: Build ResolvableType after mapping
070667a GH-3215: MQTT Event for failed connection outbound
438e221 GH-3199: Fix fail back with Long.MAX_VALUE
44609d3 GH-3199: Fix typo; move capture of creation time
ac7441a GH-3199: FailoverClientCF - Fail Back Option
32c81d1 disconnectCompletionTimeout Polishing
0de2b1b Upgrade to MQTT Paho 1.2.2

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