github spring-projects/spring-integration v5.2.2.RELEASE

latest releases: v6.4.1, v6.3.7, v6.4.0...
5 years ago

Change log:

aa895e7 (HEAD -> master, upgrades1) Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release
d5e3148 Upgrade Spring AMQP, Data versions
94e0816 Use EmitterProcessor in the FluxMessageChannel (#3104)
762f839 Upgrade to SF-5.2.2; Lettuce-5.2.1
42b812b Introduce RSocketInteractionModel (#3110)
8e7c106 Fix pub/sub race conditions in Reactive tests
daa89bf Fix changes-5.0-5.1.adoc for proper version range
75c9db1 RSocketOG: rename method to prepareRetrieveSpec
d9df857 Fix RSocketOutboundGateway to use RetrieveSpec
516ecbc GH-3114: Honor SpEL contract in ExpressionEvalMap
ee7be04 Update roles in publish-maven.gradle
2da7ae0 Add NPE test for ExprEvalSqlParameterSourceFactory
9fb2e57 GH-3113: Fix NPE in EESqlParameterSourceFactory
ffa1998 Fix Sonar issue from previous commit
f80ecf1 Fix TcpConnectionFactory FactoryBean
0ec9859 Refactor some tests into JUnit 5
25e9459 Fix RSocket module according changes in SF
0f5bd4a INT-3494: Resolve dir for writing as a Resource (#3109)
069d873 Fix NPE in RSocketInboundGateway.decodePayload()
72f7c72 GH-3107: Add errorOnTimeout for TcpInboundGateway
0bbdd3a Upgrade to Gradle 6.0; AMQP and Data SNAPSHOTs
783a07c Fix HTTP tests accoridng SF changes
d9e09b9 Test that Kotlin synthetic classes work in SpEL
feae9d8 Remove duplicate WebFlux endpoints summary
a6fb891 Fix MMIH to check for Advised in getTargetClass()
bb2ecd8 Upgrade AssertJ, Hamcrest, Gradle
1820c05 (GH-3105) GH-3105: Fix (S)FTP streaming single filter logic

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