⭐ New Features
- First-class support for
registration onGenericApplicationContext
#34574 - Support API Versioning in Request Mappings #34566
- Remove support for
interfaces inBeanRegistrar
#34562 - Add support for target type to
#34560 - Allow chained BeanRegistry registration #34557
- Remove deprecated
property ofSqlQuery
#34530 - Upgrade NullAway to 0.12.4 #34525
- Improve SimpleKey hashing function #34483
- Revisit MockHttpServletResponse after Servlet API clarifications #34467
- Refine Kotlin serialization converters/codecs conditions #34438
- Support open polymorphism with Kotlin Serialization #34433
- SseEmitter IOException on HTTP Connection Close #33832
- Remove convention-based annotation attribute override support #28761
- Support
with null-safe and Elvis operators in SpEL expressions #20433 - Programmatic bean registration with configuration classes #18353
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Upgrade match check in WebSocketHandlerMapping does not work if handler mapped to
📔 Documentation
- Refine Kotlin serialization reference documentation #34437
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Reactor 2025.0.0-M1 #34577
❤️ Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@pankratz76, @philwebb, and @quaff