github spring-projects/spring-framework v6.2.5

8 days ago

⭐ New Features

  • Make dependencies on AssertJ and JUnit in spring-core-test optional #34612
  • Suggest compilation with -parameters when AspectJAdviceParameterNameDiscoverer fails against ambiguity #34609
  • SseBuilder in ServerResponse should allow empty comment #34608
  • MockServerWebExchange does not allow setting the ApplicationContext on the base class #34601
  • FormHttpMessageConverter should throw HttpMessageNotReadableException when the http form data is invalid #34594
  • Provide a method to retrieve all singleton autowire candidates from the bean factory #34591

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver regression for jar root scanning in 6.2.4 #34607
  • AbstractReactiveTransactionManager throws IllegalStateException when rollback fails after commit attempt #34595
  • Recursively boxing/unboxing nested inline value classes #34592

📔 Documentation

  • MvcUriComponentsBuilder javadocs inaccurately reflects usage of forwarded headers #34615
  • Fix formatting and update links to scripting libraries and HDIV #34603
  • Remove dubious link to MockObjects Web site in reference manual #34593
  • Fix StringUtils#uriDecode Javadoc #34590

🔨 Dependency Upgrades

  • Upgrade to ASM 9.8 (for early Java 25 support) #34600

❤️ Contributors

Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:

@Helmsdown, @dmitrysulman, and @ngocnhan-tran1996

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