⭐ New Features
- StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26037
- MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26036
- DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26013
- DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25993
- Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25990
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26027
- Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26020
- Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26008
- SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25989
📔 Documentation
- Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #26000