⭐ New Features
- Usage of ClassLoader.loadClass() in ConfigurationClassParser [SPR-17253] #21786
- Spring WebSocket Stomp tomcat cluster with user destinations sends message to wrong subscriber. [SPR-17228] #21761
- Support both filters and views in AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter [SPR-17209] #21742
- WebFlux JSON request body garbled under heavy load [SPR-17193] #21728
- Consistent warn logging for handled exceptions [SPR-17178] #21714
- ClassUtils optimization for less expensive static initialization [SPR-17169] #21705
- BindingAwareConcurrentModel should properly react to null value [SPR-17141] #21678
- DataBufferUtils#takeUntilByteCount checks one extra buffer but does not release it [SPR-17118] #21655
- Initialize pre-filled HashMaps with large enough capacity (e.g. in HttpMethod) [SPR-17105] #21642
- Avoid unnecessary synthesizable annotation processing [SPR-16933] #21472
🪲 Bug Fixes
- 'ListBasedXMLEventReader.getElementText()' doesn't work [SPR-17233] #21766
- EL1072 when evaluating compiled expression using method SpelExpression.getValue(Object rootObject, Class expectedResultType) [SPR-17229] #21762
- Kotlin inner class nested configuration causes IndexOutOfBoundsException [SPR-17222] #21755
- WebClient does not write Mono.empty() request body [SPR-17220] #21753
- Compiled elvis operator does not work correctly when default value is a complex expression [SPR-17214] #21747
- HeaderAssertions.lastModified/expires takes an int value but it should be long [SPR-17194] #21729
- SimpleAliasRegistry.hasAlias does not properly resolve multiple chained aliases [SPR-17191] #21726
- UriComponentsBuilder does not encode "$" properly [SPR-17168] #21704
task runs twice on bean with target-class scoped proxy (when injected) [SPR-17166] #21702- CheckboxTag incorrectly processing hidden field through RequestDataValueProcessor [SPR-17147] #21684
- Annotations on generic superclass methods not found by AnnotationUtils [SPR-17146] #21683
- ContextPathCompositeHandler returns 200 when no path found [SPR-17144] #21681
- SchedulerAccessor needs to catch primary key violation on reschedule (due to Quartz race condition) [SPR-17114] #21651
- WebTestClient ignores WebSessionManager bean [SPR-17094] #21631
- Classification of ClassCastExceptions doesn't work in JDK 11 (OpenJDK) [SPR-17093] #21630
- Inconsistent handling of dependent lifecycle beans in DefaultLifecycleProcessor [SPR-16901] #21440
📔 Documentation
- Removed Jackson view property "renderedAttributes" still mentioned in Spring Framework docs [SPR-17182] #21718
- Rewrite 1.10.8. PDF, Excel paragraph in Spring Framework Documentation [SPR-17180] #21716
- Fix broken links and address warnings for JavaDoc [SPR-17174] #21710
- Generate "Use" pages in aggregated Spring API documentation (Javadoc) [SPR-17173] #21709
- Incorrect CORS code fragment in Spring Framework Documentation [SPR-17167] #21703
- Preserve-publish-order is mentioned in documentation of 5.0.x [SPR-17106] #21643
- Incorrect query param code fragment in Spring Framework Documentation [SPR-17104] #21641
- Revise BeanFactory vs ApplicationContext section in reference docs [SPR-17095] #21632