⭐ New Features
- PropertiesLoaderSupport should ignore socket/connect exceptions as well #25722
- Refine use of substring operations #25515
🪲 Bug Fixes
- VerifyErrors when using SpEL compilation with Thymeleaf when invoking a default method defined in an interface #25713
- SQLErrorCodesFactory.getErrorCodes(DataSource) returns empty error codes if access to transactional connection fails #25694
- Potential integer overflow in AbstractResourceBasedMessageSource.setCacheSeconds(int) #25644
- Lazy dependency proxy does not populate bean dependencies #25565
- Synchronized blocks in MethodOverrides are hurting concurrency #25549
- StaticListableBeanFactory.isSingleton() returns false for singleton beans #25525
- MockHttpServletResponse reset() does not reset charset field #25512
📔 Documentation
- Prevent confusion about build(boolean) method in UriComponentsBuilder #25703