⭐ New Features
- Improve prefix detection in StringUtils.cleanPath [SPR-11793] #16414
- StandardServletMultipartResolver should support lazy resolution along the lines of CommonsMultipartResolver [SPR-11730] #16352
🪲 Bug Fixes
- StringUtils.parseLocaleString: locale variant cannot contain country code [SPR-11806] #16426
- getTestExecutionListeners() doesn't detect NoClassDefFoundError within BeanInstantiationException [SPR-11804] #16424
- SPR-10829: Spring JMS problem with Oracle AQ still exists if underlying DataSource is decorated [SPR-11791] #16412
may prevent an import from taking effect [SPR-11788] #16410- JDBC findColumn gives wrong result in case of duplicate column labels [SPR-11786] #16408
- MemorySafeUndeclaredThrowableStrategy class not found [SPR-11782] #16404
- PropertyEditorRegistrySupport throws ExceptionInInitializerError when on endorsed classpath [SPR-11780] #16402
- Protect against security exploits via system identifier in DTD declaration [SPR-11768] #16390
- Regression: GenericTypeResolver returns null for partially resolvable type arguments [SPR-11763] #16385
- IdToEntityConverter throws Access Denied exception within Spring MVC application on WebSphere 8.x [SPR-11758] #16380
- ConcurrentModificationException in DefaultSubscriptionRegistry cache [SPR-11755] #16377
- Servlet 3 multipart parameter binding does not work on Weblogic12c ( [SPR-11074] #15700
📔 Documentation
- Chapter 34.4 title is chopped off [SPR-11751] #16373