⭐ New Features
- Clarify DefaultLobHandler's applicability to Oracle 10g/11g [SPR-10339] #14973
- Introduce a pre-resolved target type in RootBeanDefinition [SPR-10335] #14969
- The JARs spring-test-3.2.1 and spring-webmvc-3.2.1 contain two MANIFEST.MF [SPR-10324] #14958
- DefaultJdoDialect does not support JDO 2.2 isolation levels [SPR-10323] #14957
- Replace examples using deprecated SimpleJdbcTemplate [SPR-10317] #14951
- Introduce JdbcTestUtils.deleteFromTableWhere method [SPR-10302] #14936
- Ability to set per-session entity interceptors removed from HibernateTransactionManager for Hibernate 4 [SPR-10301] #14935
- Share locale independent properties among several ResourceBundleMessageSources [SPR-10291] #14925
- In AnnotationSessionFactoryBean, be able to specify annotatedPackages and packagesToScan in one property [SPR-10288] #14922
- Log4jWebConfigurer only uses System properties/environment [SPR-10284] #14918
- StandaloneMockMvcBuilder interface is inconsistent [SPR-10279] #14913
- MockMvcBuilders' use of generics doesn't allow for chaining more than 2 calls [SPR-10277] #14911
- Assertion message unclear when expected and actual have same string representation [SPR-10275] #14909
- Resolve SQL errorCode from underlying SQLException [SPR-10260] #14893
- NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and JdbcTemplate: consider deprecating queryFor* methods [SPR-10257] #14890
- NamedParameterJdbcTemplate: add methods to simplify usage when no parameter is needed [SPR-10256] #14889
- No way to ask RealLiteral for original string (to parse into BigDecimal) [SPR-10248] #14881
- Cannot create relative URIs with UriComponents [SPR-10231] #14864
- DefaultMessageListenerContainer should expose an API to determine whether the consumer successfully connected to a topic/queue [SPR-10230] #14863
- Limit auto grow collection size when using SpEL [SPR-10229] #14862
- org.springframework.http.MediaType.parseMediaType should throw a better exception [SPR-10226] #14859
- Update documentation examples for scheduling to use SimpleTriggerFactoryBean instead of SimpleTriggerBean [SPR-10209] #14842
- Cleanup whitespace in *.aj and use AspectJ Annotations to prevent NoSuchMethodErrors [SPR-10208] #14841
default value not set in certain cases [SPR-10180] #14813- o.s.web.util.JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape insufficiently escapes some characters [SPR-9983] #14617
- Support WebApplicationContext hierarchies in the TestContext Framework [SPR-9863] #14496
- Transparent authentication fails when POSTing to Kerberos web service using the Simple HTTP Client [SPR-9617] #14251
- Reference Documentation needs a chapter on using Gemfire as a CacheManager [SPR-9468] #14103
- SPEL: Error message is useless at helping developer resolve problem actual problem, EL1027E:(pos 4): Indexing into type ... [SPR-8876] #13517
condition should allow referencing return value [SPR-8871] #13512- Hibernate Annotation scanner missing package-info.java [SPR-8589] #13233
- Update for Spring OXM Reference, including changes introduced in CastorMarshaller [SPR-8509] #13155
should be mentioned more prominently in container callback section [SPR-8493] #13139- CastorMarshaller - marshaller and unmarshaller properties. [SPR-8470] #13116
's int attributes do not allow for placeholder values [SPR-8067] #12722- AnnotationSessionFactoryBean packagesToScan does not scan for annotations in package's package-info.java file [SPR-7748] #12404
- Make MappingJacksonJsonView fields protected to make extending it easier [SPR-7619] #12275
- Provide support for context hierarchies in the TestContext Framework [SPR-5613] #10284
- Performance improvement on AbstractCachingViewResolver [SPR-3145] #7831
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Configuration class implementing Provider interface throws StackOverflowError after upgrading to Java 7 [SPR-11830] #16449
- Thread-safety issue in RequestMappingHandlerAdapter causes NPE [SPR-10365] #14997
- UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(…) throws exception for empty fragment [SPR-10363] #14995
- SpringCompleteAutoloadTilesContainerFactory disables EL expressions [SPR-10361] #14993
- Scope of model attributes when including JSP [SPR-10360] #14992
- mvc:resources location attribute doesn't guarantee order [SPR-10355] #14987
- SpringValidationAdapter cannot handle disabled default constraint violation [SPR-10345] #14979
- Change in FrameworkServlet makes it impossible to use an alternative WebRequest instance for request processing [SPR-10342] #14976
- doOptions method of FrameworkServlet uses servlet 3.0 only method [SPR-10341] #14975
- MockServletContext always returns application/octet-stream for unknown filetypes or ContentNegotiationManager is not correct [SPR-10334] #14968
- StringToEnumConverterFactory fails to convert enums using classes from values [SPR-10329] #14963
- NPE while parsing an invalid indexer expression [SPR-10328] #14962
- By-type matching caches in DefaultListableBeanFactory should be cleared on registerSingleton [SPR-10326] #14960
- Broken UriComponents.equals() method [SPR-10313] #14947
- LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy causes exception in WebSphere with an Oracle database [SPR-10312] #14946
- Reference documentation declares inner beans being prototypes, which is wrong [SPR-10311] #14945
- AspectJ advisor always positioned behind an "old school" advisor [SPR-10309] #14943
- Invalid format media-type in Content-Type request header results in IllegalArgumentException when no handler matched [SPR-10308] #14942
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.predictBeanType [SPR-10304] #14938
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response [SPR-10293] #14927
- MockMvcRequestBuilders.fileUpload() cannot merge if defaultRequest is set [SPR-10280] #14914
executor ignored if declared on implementation when using JDK proxies [SPR-10274] #14908- UriComponentsBuilder and ServletUriComponentsBuilder generate URLs with empty segments [SPR-10270] #14904
- Assert.instanceOf exception message [SPR-10269] #14903
- UriComponents still breaks UriTemplate serialization [SPR-10266] #14900
- ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader: Scoped-Proxy BeanDefinitions cannot be overriden by other configuration classes [SPR-10265] #14899
- Periodic NoClassDefFoundError: FatalBeanException caused by StackOverFlowException [SPR-10261] #14894
- Improve 3.2 migration guide regarding JUnit and Hamcrest [SPR-10251] #14884
- Loading of java.lang.annotation.Target class requires access to java rt.jar [SPR-10249] #14882
- GenericConversionService.convert() throws IllegalArgumentException after updating to Spring 3.2.1 [SPR-10243] #14876
no longer agnostic about URL path parameters [SPR-10234] #14867- MockHttpSession.getAttributeNames() should return Enumeration on a new collection [SPR-10224] #14857
- Tiles3 (v. 3.0.1). Unable to use property useMutableTilesContainer without an error [SPR-10223] #14856
- Tomcat Session Replication not working with Spring 3.2 [SPR-10219] #14852
- Spring 3.2.1 POM missing certain compile time dependencies [SPR-10218] #14851
- Equal sign is lost in UriComponentsBuilder when query param has "=" but no value [SPR-10215] #14848
- Consider bridge methods in ReflectiveMethodResolver [SPR-10210] #14843
- Date conversion no longer uses ObjectToObjectConverter [SPR-10105] #14738
- Ensure HttpMessageConverter classes don't close the response stream [SPR-10095] #14728
- Wrond result of AntPathMatcher.combine when using template variables with some regular expressions [SPR-10062] #14695
- CronSequenceGenerator fails to accurately compute earliest next date when using second expression [SPR-9459] #14094
- Mixed ordering of
advices does not work [SPR-9438] #14074 - BeanFactory does not return FactoryBeans by type when using type prediction and bean not yet created [SPR-9177] #13815
- Check original beanClass in #isFactoryBean calls for
methods as well [SPR-9143] #13782 - Using array syntax generates invalid id using freemarker [SPR-8732] #13374
- "depends-on" attribute not working for dynamic language bean [SPR-8625] #13268
- Scheduled tasks seem to run twice [SPR-6859] #11525
📔 Documentation
- Document context hierarchy support in the TestContext framework [SPR-10357] #14989
- Misspelled word in Spring Framework 3.2.x reference documentation [SPR-10283] #14917
- Example in URI Template Patterns with Regular Expressions [SPR-10244] #14877
- Improve presentation of code blocks in Javadoc [SPR-10155] #14788
- Documentation for section 4.8.1, BeanPostProcessors and AOP auto-proxying [SPR-9577] #14211
- Document abstract WebApplicationInitializers [SPR-9430] #14066
- Document
'lite' mode and annotated classes in the reference manual [SPR-9425] #14061