github spring-projects/spring-boot v3.0.12

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8 months ago

⚠️ Noteworthy Changes

  • The behavior of spring.jms.listener.concurrency has been corrected to match the documentation (#37180). If you were setting spring.jms.listener.concurrency without also setting spring.jms.listener.max-concurrency, please review your configuration when upgrading.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Constructor binding with a custom collection type does not work #37940
  • @Order does not work on (CommandLine|Application)Runner @Bean methods #37937
  • @ComponentScan on a test class is processed when creating a test context but is not included in the context's cache key #37923
  • Restarter creates memory leak in tests #37919
  • Gradle plugin uses to-be-deprecated API for getting and setting file permissions #37880
  • Task executor metrics are not registered when using lazy initialization #37837
  • Gradle AOT processing tasks do not use project's Java toolchain #37717
  • NPE from Jetty's WebSocketUpgradeFilter when testing with @SpringBootTest, @AutoConfigureMockMvc, and MockMvc #37660
  • AOT processing fails when a @WebServlet found by scanning is annotated with @MultipartConfig #37637
  • AspectJ transaction management with compile-time weaving does not work with spring.main.lazy-initialization=true #37631
  • fileMode and dirMode are not applied to all entries in an archive produced by BootJar #37587
  • Managed types for Neo4j are not used in Neo4j Data auto configuration #37574
  • Application fails to start when an optional config import cannot be resolved #37569
  • Contrary to the documentation, setting spring.jms.listener.concurrency alone configures the maximum concurrency #37552
  • Dependency management for kafka-server-common with a test classifier is missing #37541
  • RepackageMojo doesn't support 1 digit numerical values for #37534
  • @WebListener does not work in a native image without additional reflection hints #36008
  • Unwanted Logback status messages are sometimes logged during startup #34505

📔 Documentation

  • Remove link to LiveReload website due to timeout #37690
  • Refer to ActiveMQ as ActiveMQ "Classic" #37614
  • Removal of spring.webflux.multipart.streaming is not documented #37608
  • Document support for Java 21 #37531
  • Use more idiomatic Kotlin in example for "Map Health Indicators to Micrometer Metrics" #37509
  • Add Javadoc since for AbstractAotMojo.getSession() #37462

🔨 Dependency Upgrades

  • Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.4.11 #37754
  • Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.2.21 #37896
  • Upgrade to Infinispan 14.0.19.Final #37846
  • Upgrade to Jetty 11.0.17 #37847
  • Upgrade to Jetty Reactive HTTPClient 3.0.9 #37930
  • Upgrade to jOOQ 3.17.16 #37848
  • Upgrade to Micrometer 1.10.12 #37678
  • Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.0.11 #37679
  • Upgrade to Neo4j Java Driver 5.13.0 #37792
  • Upgrade to Netty 4.1.100.Final #37849
  • Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2022.0.12 #37680
  • Upgrade to RxJava3 3.1.8 #37757
  • Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.0.10 #37681
  • Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2022.0.11 #37682
  • Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.0.13 #37814
  • Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.0.8 #37795
  • Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.0.12 #37796
  • Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.0.6 #37683
  • Upgrade to Spring Retry 2.0.4 #37684
  • Upgrade to Spring Security 6.0.8 #37685
  • Upgrade to Spring Session 3.0.4 #37686
  • Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.15 #37901
  • Upgrade to UnboundID LDAPSDK 6.0.10 #37758
  • Upgrade to Undertow 2.3.10.Final #37931

❤️ Contributors

Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:

@bottlerocketjonny, @dependabot[bot], @erichaagdev, @esperar, @izeye, @jbertram, @michael-simons, @nielsbasjes, @onobc, @ttddyy, and @vpavic

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