github spree/spree v3.6.0
Version 3.6.0 FINAL - with Rails 5.2, ActiveStorage and Ruby 2.5

latest releases: v4.7.2, v4.6.5, v4.5.4...
5 years ago

Major/New Features

Alongside Spree 3.5 (for Rails 5.1) we're releasing Spree 3.6 (for Rails 5.2). Spree 3.6 has all of the features of Spree 3.5 plus Rails 5.2, ActiveStorage and Ruby 2.5 support out of the box.

If you're on a Spree 3.4 (or earlier) please see Spree 3.5 release notes also.

Rails 5.2 support

Spree 3.6 is now compatible with Rails 5.2 compared to 3.5 which used to run on Rails 5.1. Thanks to that you can start using all of the new great features available in Rails 5.2

Contributed by Spark Solutions

ActiveStorage support

Active Storage facilitates uploading files to a cloud storage service like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Storage and attaching those files to Active Record objects. It comes with a local disk-based service for development and testing and supports mirroring files to subordinate services for backups and migrations.

ActiveStorage was introduced in Rails 5.2 and with Spree 3.6 release it's the default file stoage option. We'll still support Paperclip until Spree 4.0 when it will be removed from Spree core.

Contributed by Spark Solutions

Ruby 2.5 support

Spree now works with Ruby 2.2 (>= 2.2.7), 2.3.x, 2.4.x and 2.5.x.

Contributed by Spark Solutions


Add Spree gems to Gemfile

gem 'spree', '~> 3.6.0'
gem 'spree_auth_devise', '~> 3.3'
gem 'spree_gateway', '~> 3.3'

Run bundle install

Use the install generators to set up Spree

rails g spree:install --user_class=Spree::User
rails g spree:auth:install
rails g spree_gateway:install


Update your Rails version to 5.2

Please follow the official Rails guide to upgrade your store.

Update Gemfile

gem 'spree', '~> 3.6.0'

Run bundle update

Install missing migrations

rails spree:install:migrations
rails spree_auth:install:migrations
rails spree_gateway:install:migrations

Run migrations

rails db:migrate

Migrate to ActiveStorage (optional)

Please follow the official paperclip guide if you want to use ActiveStorage instead of paperclip.

You can still use paperclip for attachment management by setting SPREE_USE_PAPERCLIP environment variable to true, but keep in mind that paperclip is DEPRECATED and we will remove paperclip support in Spree 4.0.

Noteworthy changes

Please see Spree 3.5 release notes

Full Changelog

You can view the full changes using Github Compare.

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