github spree/spree v2.0.7
Version 2.0.7

latest releases: v4.8.3, v4.8.2, v4.8.1...
10 years ago

For all commits, please see the GitHub compare view.


  • A channel column was added to the spree_orders table. Users can set
    it when importing orders from other stores. e.g. amazon

Washington Luiz

  • Converting timestamps to json now give us miliseconds precision (by monkey
    patching ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#as_json)

Washington Luiz

  • Deface version has been bumped to 1.0.0.

Ryan Bigg

  • Highline version has been bumped to allow anything > 1.6.18 and < 1.7.x.

Ryan Bigg

  • Active Merchant version has been bumped to 1.42.0. This should fix Money gem dependency problems.

Ryan Bigg

  • aws-sdk version has been bumped to 1.27.0. This should fix Nokogiri gem dependency problems.
  • Fixed issue where Product#set_property was causing an undefined method when spree_i18n was in use.

Ryan Bigg

  • Fixed styling issues of select2 boxes in Admin backend. #3854 #3863

Dominik Staskiewicz

  • Fixed issue where trying to process BogusSimple payments would fail. #3824

James Strong

  • Added an index to spree_users spree_api_key field. #3884

Justin Kronz

  • OrderInventory now acknowledges track_inventory_units setting and will not create backorders when that setting is set to false. b66a98a

Washington Luiz

  • All adjustments are now updated when an order is updated, rather than just shipping + promotion adjustments. #3960

John Hawthorn


  • Admin users can set the order channel when importing orders. By sing the
    channel attribute on Order model

Washington Luiz

  • Added missing per_page node to products/index

Ryan Bigg

  • ship_total is now returned on order results.

Washington Luiz


Dan Pritchett


  • Added Kaminari call to add pagination data to the head tag on pages. #3903

Richard Hart

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