github splunk/kafka-connect-splunk v2.0
Splunk Connect for Kafka - Version 2.0 - GA

latest releases: v2.2.2, v2.2.1, v2.2.0...
4 years ago

GA release of Splunk Connect for Kafka Version 2.0

  • Provide a configurable flush window so that users can control throughput of the connector
  • Clear Record Tracker(internal memory buffer) on acknowledgments to reduce memory footprint
  • Polling for Indexer fault tolerance
  • Handle Null/Empty events gracefully
  • Bug fix for offsets not being committed when using formatted events
  • Handle incorrectly formatted data
  • HEC Telemetry implementation for Kafka
  • Cloud CI pipeline for testing against Splunk Cloud
  • Automate the functional tests for Splunk Connect for Kafka
  • Fix incorrect version shown on Kafka Connect REST API

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