github spikespaz/search-deflector 0.1.0
Version 0.1.0

latest releases: 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.0...
pre-release5 years ago

This release is a little messy because it's basically a complete rewrite.

Tons of changes, including automatic updating.


  • Now automatically checks for updates every 24 hours.
  • Autonomously downloads and activates those updates.
  • Needs to be placed in a subdirectory matching the version name then branch.
    • An example of this is %PROGRAMFILES%/SearchDeflector/0.1.0-master.
    • This is very important because otherwise the updater will place files in the wrong location.
  • Changed to a multi-executable style, everything is done from launcher.exe.
  • Launcher is compiled as Windows app so no console is shown.
  • Crashes will will display a message to redirect the user to the GitHub issues page with the information pre-filled.

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