github spicywebau/craft-neo 2.8.5
Neo 2.8.5

latest releases: 4.2.20, 5.2.15, 5.2.14...
4 years ago


  • Neo now requires Craft 3.5.4 or later


  • Fixed a bug where Neo fields which were set to translatable on a Craft 2 install would not have their propagation method properly set when upgrading to Craft 3
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Craft 3.5.4 when editing a Neo field's settings, where the instructions on block type and block type group settings fields were not displaying properly
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Craft 3.5.4 when editing a Neo block type's field layout, where the hide label checkbox would not work on other fields after checking the box on one field
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Craft 3.5.4 when editing a Neo block type's field layout, where __blank__ would display as a field's label if the field was set to have its label hidden
  • Fixed a bug when editing a Neo field's settings, where the Field Layout tab would display and be selectable if a block type group was selected
  • Some minor changes to JavaScript code related to new block button enabling/disabling, block dragging, and Neo-to-Matrix conversion

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