github spicetify/cli v2.2.2

latest releases: v2.36.14, v2.36.13, v2.36.12...
3 years ago

v2.1.0 release note:
v2.2.1 release note:
Please stop making new Issue about your theme for legacy Spotify doesn't work on new Spotify. I already mentioned it multiple times why it happened and there is nothing I can do about it.


  • CSS variables for some extensions and reddit app


"Patch" function: find and replace app assets for more flexible modification. Define regexp find string and replace string in [Patch] section in config file. They should follow this form:

  • Regexp find key: <file>_find_<index>
  • Replace key: <file>_repl_<index> or replace all key: <file>_repl_all_<index>

"file" can be any assets files in $spotify_location/Apps/xpui folder
"index" should be unique for each pair of find and replace.
If both "repl" and "repl_all" are defined, "repl_all" is prioritized.
Capturing regexp group is also supported, you can specify group in replace string as ${0}, ${1}, ${2}, ....
For example, "Your Library" button on sidebar leads to Playlists collection by default and I don't like like that. I want it to lead to my saved Albums page instead:

xpui.js_find_1  = to:"/collection"
xpui.js_repl_all_1  = to:"/collection/albums"

After I run spicetify apply, all occurrences of to:"/collection" would be changed to to:"/collection/albums". Which means "Your Library" page is no longer follow its default behaviours, that opens its first tab "Playlists". Instead, it starts at Albums tab. You can tweak it to lead to "/collection/artists" or "/collection/podcasts" if you prefer.

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