github spicetify/cli v0.8.1

latest releases: v2.36.13, v2.36.12, v2.36.11...
5 years ago


  • [LINUX] Ability to use XResources database in theme's color.ini. #17
    Extremely useful for who uses pywal to generate color scheme.
    Syntax: ${xrdb:<variable name>} or ${xrdb:<variable name>:<fallback value>}
    Example usage:
main_fg                               = ${xrdb:color14}
secondary_fg                          = ${xrdb:foreground:#FFF}
main_bg                               = ${xrdb:background}
  • Ability to use environment variable in theme's color.ini
    Syntax: ${<variable name}
    Example usage:
main_fg = ${LIGHT_GREY}

Note: Environment variables, not shell variables.

  • Short hex color code support: #FFF, #544


  • Extension Shuffle+: Buttons not appended bug

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