github spicetify/cli v0.6.0

latest releases: v2.36.14, v2.36.13, v2.36.12...
5 years ago


  • Command config: Easily change one or multiple config values in command-line. Example usage:

    • Disable "inject_css":
      spicetify config inject_css 0
    • Enable "song_page" and disable "fastUser_switching":
      spicetify config song_page 1 fastUser_switching 0
    • Add extension keyboardShortcut.js to "extensions"
      spicetify config extensions keyboardShortcut.js
  • Command color: Easily change theme's one or multiple colors in command-line. Example usage:

    • Change "main_bg" to ff0000
      spicetify color main_bg ff0000
    • Change "slider_bg" to 00ff00 and "pressing_fg" to 0000ff
      spicetify color slider_bg 00ff00 pressing_fg 0000ff
  • Extensions keyboardShortcut.js: Register some useful keybinds to support keyboard-driven navigation in Spotify client. Less time touching the mouse.

    • Ctrl Tab / Ctrl Shift Tab: Navigate items in left sidebar menu.
    • Backspace/Shift Backspace: Navigate history backward/forward.
    • PageUp/PageDown: Force scroll up/down app page only because mouse focus is sometimes in sidebar region and they scroll sidebar instead of app page).
    • J/K: Scroll app page up/down. *Tips hat to Vim users*
    • Ctrl Q: Open Queue page.
    • `: Open up keyboard-driven navigation. Hit correct key sequences to open up place you want to go:



  • If config current_theme is blank, spicetify will apply original Spotify colors and CSS. Same effect as set both inject_css and replace_colors to 0.
  • API Spicetify.addToQueue and Spicetify.removeFromQueue: add supports for Local track and album URI.

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