github spencermountain/compromise 14.0.0

latest releases: 14.14.0, 14.13.0, 14.12.0...
2 years ago

Compromise is a javascript library that can do natural-language-processing tasks in the browser.

v14 is a big release, a proud re-write. It took a lot of work. Thank you to the many individuals that have helped create it.


v14 is much faster. Usually 2x faster. You should be able to parse twice as many documents, in the same time.


v14 has been split into 3 libraries, so you can choose how-much of the library you'd like to use.
this is possible by switching to esmodules.

import nlp from 'compromise/one' // 68kb
import nlp from 'compromise/two' // 225kb
import nlp from 'compromise/three' // 275kb

in v14, we are dropping support for IE11 and node <12.

Self-repairing pointers:

we've finally found a quick way to support dynamic pointers to changing word data:

let doc = nlp('the dog is nice')
let sub = doc.match('is')
// 'is'

This works by using a fast-mode index lookup, with id-based error-correction.

Included plugins:

compromise-penn-tags compromise-plugin-scan and compromise-plugin-typeahead are now included in /one by default, which is great news.

compromise-plugin-numbers and compromise-plugin-adjectives is included by default in /three

New languages:

We now support early-versions of french, spanish, and german

Measured tagging suggestion:

a user-given lexicon is less coercive - so adding your own words is less-dangerous:

nlp('Dan Brown', { brown: 'Color' }).has('#Color') //false

Replace wildcards:

let doc = nlp('i am george and i live in France.')
doc.replace('i am [#Person+] and i live in [.]', '$0 is from $1')
// 'george is from France'


.swap() is a way to replace via a root-word - where declinations are automatically handled:

let doc = nlp('i strolled downtown').compute('root')
doc.swap('stroll', 'walk')
// 'i walked downtown'

New plugin scheme:

We finally have a .plugin() scheme strong-enough to use internally. v14 is completely constructed via .plugin().
See the plugin documentation for details.

New plugins


as well as our existing compromise-speech and compromise-dates functionality


  • [breaking] - remove .parent() and .parents() chain - (use .all() instead)
  • [breaking] - remove @titleCase alias (use @isTitleCase)
  • [breaking] - remove '.get()' alias - use '.eq()'
  • [breaking] - remove .json(0) shorthand - use .json()[0]
  • [breaking] - remove .tagger() - use .compute('tagger')
  • [breaking] - remove .export() -> .load() - use .json() -> nlp(json)
  • [breaking] - remove nlp.clone()
  • [breaking] - remove .join() deprecated
  • [breaking] - remove .lists() deprecated
  • [breaking] - remove .segment() deprecated
  • [breaking] - remove .sententences().toParticiple() & .verbs().toParticiple()
  • [breaking] - remove .nouns().toPossessive() & .nouns().hasPlural()
  • [breaking] - remove array support in match methods - (use .match().match() instead)
  • [breaking] - refactor .out('freq') output format - (uses .compute('freq').terms().unique().json() instead)
  • [breaking] - change .json() result format for subsets
  • [change] merge re-used capture-group names in one match
  • [change] drop support for undocumented empty '.split()' methods - which used to split the parent
  • [change] subtle changes to .text('fmt') formats
  • [change] @hasContraction is no-longer secretly-greedy. use @hasContraction{2}
  • [change] .and() now does a set 'union' operation of results (no overlaps)
  • [change] bestTag is now .compute('tagRank')
  • [change] .sort() is no longer in-place (its now immutable)
  • [change] drop undocumented options param to .replaceWith() method
  • [change] add match-group as 2nd param to split methods
  • [change] remove #FutureTense tag - which is not really a thing in english
  • [change] .unique() no-longer mutates parent
  • [change] .normalize() inputs cleanup
  • [change] drop agreement parameters in .numbers() methods
  • [change] - less-magical money parsing - nlp('50 cents').money().get() is no-longer 0.5
  • [change] - .find() does not return undefined on an empty result anymore
  • [change] - fuzzy matches must now be wrapped in tildes, like ~this~
  • [new] .union(), .intersection(), .difference() and .complement() methods
  • [new] .confidence() method - approximate tagging confidence score for arbitrary selections
  • [new] .settle() - remove overlaps in matches
  • [new] .isDoc() - helper-method for comparing two views
  • [new] .none() - helper-method for returning an empty view of the document
  • [new] .toView() method - drop back to a normal Class instance
  • [new] .grow() .growLeft() and .growRight() methods
  • [new] add punctuation match support via pre/post params
  • [new] add ambiguous empty .map() state as 2nd param

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