github spdermn02/TouchPortal_Discord_Plugin v4.4.0-alpha-5
v4.4.0-alpha-5 - PushToTalk and PushToMute Actions

latest releases: v5.0.0-alpha-6, v5.0.0-alpha-5, v5.0.0-alpha-4...
pre-release12 months ago

2 New actions typically used for OnHold tab capabilities.
Push To Talk, and Push To Mute
They 'SIMULATE' push to talk and push to mute, by just forcing the correct state of the mute/deafen.

this SHOULD not work if you are on PUSH-TO-TALK voice activity setting.

no documentation updated, limited testing let me know what you think

Full Changelog: v4.4.0-alpha-4...v4.4.0-alpha-5

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