github sparrowwallet/sparrow 1.6.4

latest releases: 1.9.1, 1.9.0, 1.8.6...
2 years ago
  • Native support for Apple M1 (aarch64)
  • Add Blockstream Jade support
  • Upgrade to HWI 2.1.0 for hardware wallet Taproot signing (Trezor and Ledger) (@achow101)
  • Support scanning seed QRs (SeedQR, CompactSeedQR, ur:crypto-seed, ur:crypto-bip39) to import seed words and xpubs and to sign PSBTs with immediate clearing of the seed
  • Add dust attack warning to UTXOs where small value transactions are received on previously used addresses
  • Add 'Restart in Testnet' menu command
  • Add 'Delete Wallet' function to File menu, overwriting wallet file data first
  • Add 'Select All' button to UTXOs tab
  • Disable 'Lock All Wallets' menu item when all wallets are locked
  • Rename 'Refresh Wallet' to 'Refresh Wallet Account' where necessary to indicate wallet accounts are refreshed individually
  • Enable 'Max' button when RBF replacement transaction has only one output and no additional inputs
  • Disable privacy optimisation button for BIP78 Payjoins
  • Update confirmation status for opened unconfirmed wallet txes once they have been mined
  • Show signature status on transaction tab for loaded transactions even when offline
  • Pass the desired account number to keystore import description when importing for additional accounts
  • Make connection toggle pulsing clearer by increasing the opacity range
  • Make USB hardware wallet enumeration period configurable
  • Enable pasting a string into send to many spreadsheet using pre-edit cell context menu
  • Update to JavaFX 18, Gradle 7.4.2 and Java 17.0.2
  • Bug fix: Update wallet name in db on load if wallet filename is changed in order to fix passphrase entry dialog
  • Bug fix: Reverse sort order of date column in UTXOs tab
  • Bug fix: Update 'Mix to' button text when wallet label is changed
  • Bug fix: Don't show 'Mix Selected' button for Taproot wallets
  • Bug fix: Improve validation and focus handling in integer spinners
  • Bug fix: Upgrade to nightjar 0.2.33 for Whirlpool startup fix (@zeroleak)
  • Bug fix: Recalculate txid before copying from Txid copy button
  • Bug fix: Ensure minimum relay fee rate is always equal or greater than 1 sat/vb

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