github spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt v3.2.0

latest releases: v4.15.3, v4.15.2, v4.15.1...
6 years ago

What's new !!

🎉 (#285) Generically named virtual environments are shown with its parent folder name - @segevfiner

SPACESHIP_VENV_GENERIC_NAMES=(virtualenv venv .venv)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

🐛 (#367) Preserve white space in battery/upower section - @w1gz
⚡ (#257) docker section now checks for $COMPOSE_FILE - @aheaume
⚡ (#266) Detect ruby version installed with asdf version manager - @abnersajr
⚡ (#293) Show tags and remotes in git_branch section
⚡ (#350) Hide node version if it match default version - @adrigzr
⚡ (#357) Display hg bookmark when available instead of branch
⚡ (#364) Add note about git copied status indicator


📝 (#368) Fix markdown typo in antigen install instruction - @ChangJoo-Park

See full comparison at v3.1.0...v3.2.0

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