github spacecloud-io/space-cloud v0.21.2

latest releases: v0.21.5, v0.21.4, v0.21.3...
3 years ago

This is a minor release containing a few fixes.


  • Updated letsencrypt client

Upgrade guide

Follow the steps to migrate from v0.20.0 and above:

  • Backup your current config using space-cli (space-cli --project <project_id> get all /path/to/backup/dir)
  • Backup setup configuration (space-cli inspect sc-setup-config.yaml)
  • Download the latest version of space-cli (Linux | Windows | Mac) and run space-cli update -f sc-setup-config.yaml.
  • Make sure you run Reload Schema in Database > Settings for each SQL database you've added in SpaceCloud.

Ping us on #general of our Discord server, if you face any issues while migrating.

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