github spacecloud-io/space-cloud v0.13.0
Simplified architecture and Remote services

latest releases: v0.21.5, v0.21.4, v0.21.3...
4 years ago

This release simplifies the architecture of Space Cloud greatly and also introduces the support of remote services.

Consul support

Space Cloud now uses Consul in the distributed mode for service discovery and config sync. This ensures a more robust and loosely coupled architecture.

We have removed the raft cluster which we used to maintain internally earlier. This means you can directly make changes to the config file now. We have also dropped the support of nats, pubsub and static module.

To deploy Space Cloud in distributed mode, checkout this guide.

Remote services

We have dropped the support of functions module in favour of normal HTTP services for custom business logic. This will help you leverage the existing ecosystem instead of adopting a new paradigm.

You can even perform joins on your remote services and database. Learn more about remote services from here.

Improved UX

The new mission control has major changes to improve the user experience. We have removed the global save button and setup database buttons which were confusing.

Bug fixes

All bug fixes in v0.13.0 milestone

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