github sourabhkv/ytdl V21.0511.26
YouTube-dl GUI v21.0511s.26-stable

latest releases: v23.0305.12, v23.0114.19, v23.011419...
3 years ago

Changelog: Terminal added , thumbnail preview fixed,Better handling exceptions ,Missing MSVCR100 dll solved, Faster loading time, Downloading progress in same window ,Black screen at startup fixed, You can now download thumbnail of youtube videos by clicking download button and preview thumbnail by clicking image ,supports more websites for thumbnail ,flac and wav format available for music , under the hood changes.
Changes in YouTube terms and conditions age-restricted videos could not be downloaded future version of youtube-dl might change this.

YouTube-dl GUI is a GUI program to download videos from and a few more sites. It uses youtube-dl to download video/audio
and converts using ffmpeg and AtomicParsley to playable format.
Playlist download not fully tested, might work only for audio.

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