github songify-rocks/Songify v1.2.0
Spotify API Integration & Song Requests

latest releases: v1.6.3, v1.6.2, v1.6.1...
4 years ago


  • Spotify API Integration
    • Link your Spotify Account in Settings -> Integration
    • Get detailed song Info such as every Artist, AlbumCover and so on
    • You can now download the Album Cover
    • Due to API limitions it can take up to 20 seconds to refresh the song data if you manually skip the song
  • Spotify Songrequests
    • Songrequests via Twitch Channelrewards (enable messagelogging to get the ID)
      • either by using the song URI (Spotify -> Rightclick Song -> Share -> Copy Song URI) or by typing Artist - Title
    • Songrequests via !ssr Chatcommand (it has an adjustable cooldown)
      • either by using the song URI (Spotify -> Rightclick Song -> Share -> Copy Song URI) or by typing Artist - Title
    • Artist Blacklist (so you never hear that annyoing artist again!)
    • Specify the maximum number of Songrequests per user
    • You have to connect your Twitch account in order for this to work. You can do so by filling in your Credentials under Settings -> Integration
  • New Windows for Blacklist and Song Queue
  • New Website:
    • Reworked the online History Website
    • Songrequests can be viewed on the web
  • You now can split Artist and Title in 2 seperate text files.


  • Fixed pause text not working properly
  • Fixed a crash that happened when the hidden config.xml file was empty


  • Redesigned the MainWindow to have a menu bar at the top. The inline buttons in the title bar just felt too cluttered with the new additions.
  • "Varius Artists" will be cut from the Artists


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