github solo-io/gloo v1.6.0

3 years ago

Dependency Bumps

  • solo-io/envoy-gloo has been upgraded to v1.17.0-rc4.

New Features

  • Gloo Edge can now more proactively report warnings on virtual services that are likely misconfigured.
    To enable, update the Gloo Settings such that spec.gateway.validation.warnRouteShortCircuiting=true
    The cases now additionally covered are:
    • routes on the same virtual host that have the same matcher
    • routes that get short-circuited by prefix/regex matchers in earlier routes (#3334)


  • RateLimitConfig CRD is now removed with glooctl uninstall command. (#4010)
  • Envoy has deprecated gzip filter support in favor of the HTTP Compressor filter. Fixes gloo gzip filter to work with envoy's compressor filter. (#4016)
  • Kubernetes plugin reports error when encountering upstream with nonexistant ServiceNamespace instead of crashing. (#4006)

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