github solo-io/gloo v1.5.0-beta19

3 years ago

Helm Changes

  • Add ability to supply arbitrary labels to gloo pods via helm configuration (#3441)

New Features

  • Expose the raw envoy configuration for the gRPC to JSON transcoding filter, which can be leveraged to expose a gRPC service both as a gRPC service and as a REST API. Exposing the underlying envoy configuration allows users more granular control over the gRPC to JSON mappings than the current Gloo API for gRPC to JSON (that doesn't require explicit protobuf descriptors to be provided since they will be discovered). One example where users may want more granular control of their gRPC to JSON mappings may be to leverage query parameter transcoding. (#2188)
  • Allow users to specify extra headers for health check requests as secrets. New gloo secret type "header", containing header name-value pairs, can now be created (details here). Health checks can reference header secrets for additional headers to add in addition to specifying them explicitly. (#2914)


  • Virtual Services with overlapping SNI domains in the same gateway are invalid. This adds some checks to make sure such changes are rejected before they reach envoy. (#3459)

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