github solo-io/gloo v1.17.5

latest releases: v1.18.0-beta33, v1.18.0-beta32, v1.18.0-beta31...
2 months ago

Helm Changes

  • New field gateway.validation.warnMissingTlsSecret controls whether missing TLS secrets referenced in SslConfig and UpstreamSslConfig will be treated as a warning instead of an error during validation. Defaults to false. This field has no effect if allowWarnings is false or acceptAllResources is true. (#6957)


  • Fix for issue where a missing TLS secret was treated by validation as an error, potentially bringing down the entire HTTPS gateway if the gloo pod restarts while in this bad state. This is a breaking change in the default behavior of validation.
    To enable this behavior, use the helm setting gateway.validation.warnMissingTlsSecret=true or the same field on the Settings CR. This field has no effect if allowWarnings is false or acceptAllResources is true. (#6957)

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