github solo-io/gloo v1.17.0-beta34

latest releases: v1.13.39, v1.17.0-rc10, v1.18.0-beta4...
one month ago

Helm Changes

  • Mark Istio integration helm values that rely on double proxy setup as deprecated. This includes: - global.istioIntegration.labelInstallNamespace - global.istioIntegration.whitelistDiscovery - global.istioIntegration.enableIstioSidecarOnGateway - global.istioIntegration.istioSidecarRevTag - global.istioIntegration.appendXForwardedHost (

New Features

  • gateway2: enable self-managed Gateways

Adds capability to integrate self-managed gateways
that are not meant to be auto-provisioned by the
controller. This is required to support use cases
where gateways are statically provisioned, such
as when running the gateways external to k8s on

It adds a selfManaged field to the GatewayParameters
CRD which is used to skip the deployment of Gateway
related objects (deployment, service, etc.). When
a gateway is self-managed, it is expected to be
correctly bootstrapped with an envoy config that
matches the Gateway resource's name and namespace,
specifically the node field must be configured
correctly to link a self-managed gateway to the
Gateway resource. (


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