github solo-io/gloo v1.11.0-beta9

latest releases: v1.13.38, v1.14.31, v1.15.29...
2 years ago

Dependency Bumps

  • solo-io/envoy-gloo has been upgraded to 1.20.0-patch3.

Helm Changes

  • Fix indentation for custom HTTPS Gateway settings (#5874)

New Features

  • Allow for roles to chain assume up to 1 deep. This enables cross account role assumption The runtime gaurd envoy.reloadable_features.aws_lambda.sts_chaining can be set to 0 to reinstate prior behavior and to never chain. (#5639)
  • Add a helm option to support running the certgen job on upgrades and installs (#4638)
  • Validate the integrity of TLS secrets, allowing users to call glooctl check to identify bad TLS configuration (#5662)


  • Fix TLS secret conversion. (#5889)

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