github solana-labs/solana v1.9.0
Testnet - v1.9.0

latest releases: v1.18.15, v1.17.34, v1.18.14...
pre-release2 years ago

This is a Testnet release. It is not recommended for Mainnet Beta


  • Migrate from address maps to address lookup tables
  • Optimized leader QoS service
  • Add vote instructions that directly update on chain vote state
  • Reject vote withdraws that create non-rent-exempt accounts
  • Accountsdb plugin
  • Adds fallback logic if retransmit multicast fails
  • Create solana-poh and move remaining rpc modules to solana-rpc
  • Parallelizes gossip packets receiver with processing of requests
  • Add Incremental Snapshots
    • Incremental snapshots are effectively a diff of what's changed since the last full snapshot, and as a result, are much smaller
    • Currently opt-in; to enable, add the --incremental-snapshots flag when starting a validator

NOTE: This version of the solana-cli contains a bug in solana withdraw-from-vote-account ALL; it is recommended to NOT USE that command.

This release contains contributions from many people at Solana, as well as:

Tim Hagn, imprfekt, xuoe, Jarred Nicholls

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