github solana-labs/solana v1.16.9
Testnet - v1.16.9

latest releases: v1.18.17, v1.18.16, v1.18.15...
10 months ago

This is a Testnet release. It is not recommended for Mainnet Beta

v1.16 removes solana-sys-tuner. For manual tuning please see these System Tuning instructions

  • In previous v1.16 releases, the TransactionStatus and AddressSignatures columns were not properly cleaned. This could have resulted in excessive storage use for nodes running with --enable-rpc-transaction-history. This has been fixed with #32548


  • v1.16: ci: re-enable SPL downstream project test on Github Action (backport of #32677) (#32855)
  • v1.16: program-test: Fix realloc in native mode (backport of #32818) (#32833)
  • v1.16: ci: ignore RUSTSEC-2022-0093 temporarily (#32858)

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