github solana-labs/solana v0.7.0
Public testnet

latest releases: v1.18.17, v1.18.16, v1.18.15...
5 years ago

What's New?

A public testnet at!

  • solana-wallet, a command-line application to interact with the testnet
  • solana-drone, a handy little tool to do testnet airdrops so that anyone can play
  • Ubuntu “snap” packages to effortlessly spin up full nodes
  • Fullnode deployment to Amazon Web Services and Google Compute Platform
  • Added Windows support
  • Network stability features
    • Validator bring-up and auto-restart
    • Block repair messaging, complete with exponential backoff
    • Erasure coding for on-the-fly repairs

Solana's TPS Report

We’re back up above 250k TPS and this time on a 50 node network! We didn’t spend much time on optimization this month, but cleared out the performance regression from the last release, while also putting ourselves in a better position for future optimizations, including new internal benchmarking infrastructure and code restructuring that caters to GPU migration.

New Recruits

Meet Solana’s Stallions! Each one more magnificent than the last. [Silicon Valley S05E02]


Test-drive the Testnet

On Ubuntu 16.04:

Install solana with snap:

$ sudo snap install solana --beta --devmode

Run solana-wallet to interact with the testnet:

$ solana.keygen
$ solana.wallet airdrop --tokens=100
$ solana.wallet pay --tokens=10 --to=<PUBKEY>
$ solana.wallet confirm <SIGNATURE>
$ solana.wallet balance

To run a public validator:

$ sudo snap install solana --beta --devmode
$ sudo snap set solana mode=validator
$ sudo snap logs -f solana

For more detailed instructions, such as how to perform your own TPS test against the testnet, see the Solana README on GitHub!

If you run into problems, please report them on the Solana Telegram channel.

What’s Next?

  • More nodes! We're only making use of 2 tiers in our Avalanche architecture. We expect that to be at least 3 tiers by mainnet and with far more nodes at each tier.
  • Lay the groundwork for our generic smart contracts platform. It’s going to be beautiful. We can’t wait to tell you more!

Code Contributions

@CriesofCarrots added solana-drone and solana-wallet. Spoiler: she’s our next hire.
@carllin. Added window repair retransmission and stake-based gossip.
@rlkelly upgraded the tty check to help port to Windows

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