github solana-labs/solana v0.12.0
Smart contract development via solana_runtime

latest releases: v1.18.12, v1.17.31, v1.18.11...
pre-release5 years ago

Beacons v0.12.0

Major Features And Improvements

  • New Rust crate, solana-runtime, allows for smart contract development without needing to spin up a testnet
  • Improved leader rotation algorithm using the validators' VDFs as ...beacons!
  • Added a high-throughput, streaming block explorer
  • Scalable account storage and reduced RAM usage via memory-mapping
  • Avalanche fully-implemented; simulation indicates promising scale to 10's of thousands of nodes
  • Improved support for BPF-compiled smart contracts written in Rust

TPS Report

The codebase is undergoing a large rewrite. Performance is awful at the moment and was not a focus of this release cycle. We'll report TPS, node counts, and confirmation times again soon!

Additional Features and Improvements

  • New TransactionBuilder Rust library in the SDK to trivialize creation of multi-instruction transactions
  • Fullnodes now fork-aware and implement rudimentary fork selection
  • New fork-aware Bank now supports checkpointing, rollback and squashing
  • New Blocktree ledger format with builtin support for forks
  • Improved security via signed control plane messages
  • Solana's equivalent of Bitcoin's satoshis named lamports. All code and documentation updated. The term "token" is now reserved for fungible currencies implementing the ERC20 interface.
  • solana_erc20 crate renamed to solana_token
  • Budget smart contract DSL now recurses to support nested expressions
  • New compressed transaction format encodes 64-bit integers with 1 to 9 bytes
  • Preview release of KvStore, a high-speed Key-Value Store to replace RocksDB

Breaking Changes

  • Transaction format is incompatible with previous releases. Expect this in all releases until mainnet launch.

Known Issues

  • Low TPS; not a focus of this release
  • Cluster stalls; fullnodes can't find each other
  • Rust crates not published to; circular dependencies

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