⚠️ Important note
Some modules of sttp 3.8.16 have switched to Cats Effect 3.5.1, which changes the way Async.async, Async.async_, and Async.fromFuture behave around cancellation. If your project relies on Cats Effect 3, read CE release notes and make sure your usages of mentioned methods are aligned.
What’s Changed
- Update dependencies (#1880) @PanHNE
- Retry flaky test (v3) (#1883) @kciesielski
- Issue 1853 empty content-encoding (#1855) @flsh86
- Add Scala Native build for circe (#1805) @alfabetacain
- Add Scala Native build for jsoniter (#1796) @kyri-petrou
- Bump zio-json (#1784) @ioleo