github softwaremill/sttp v1.6.0

latest releases: v3.10.1, v4.0.0-M19, v3.10.0...
5 years ago

This release contains three major changes:

  1. some modules are now published for 2.13: core (jvm & js), akka-http-backend, scalaz, async-http-client-future-backend, async-http-client-scalaz-backend, okhttp-backend, json-common, circe, json4s, spray-json, play-json, brave-backend, prometheus-backend

  2. one of the overload of the RequestT.cookies method now accepts a Iterable[Cookie] instead of a Seq[Cookie].

  3. the async-http-client-cats backend now requires an additional ContextShift[F]. This is needed to shift to another threadpool after sending a request (see #217). Similarly, the -monix backends now shift to the default threadpool after send().

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