github snowflakedb/snowpark-python v1.3.0

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15 months ago

1.3.0 (2023-03-28)

New Features

  • Added support for delimiters parameter in functions.initcap().
  • Added support for functions.hash() to accept a variable number of input expressions.
  • Added API Session.conf for getting, setting or checking the mutability of any runtime configuration.
  • Added support for managing case sensitivity in Row results from DataFrame.collect using case_sensitive parameter.
  • Added indexer support for snowflake.snowpark.types.StructType.
  • Added a keyword argument log_on_exception to Dataframe.collect and Dataframe.collect_no_wait to optionally disable error logging for SQL exceptions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where a DataFrame set operation(DataFrame.substract, DataFrame.union, etc.) being called after another DataFrame set operation and or DataFrame.with_column throws an exception.
  • Fixed a bug where chained sort statements are overwritten by the SQL simplifier.


  • Simplified JOIN queries to use constant subquery aliases (SNOWPARK_LEFT, SNOWPARK_RIGHT) by default. Users can disable this at runtime with session.conf.set('use_constant_subquery_alias', False) to use randomly generated alias names instead.
  • Allowed specifying statement parameters in
  • Enabled the uploading of large pandas DataFrames in stored procedures by defaulting to a chunk size of 100,000 rows.

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