github snowflakedb/snowpark-python v0.12.0

latest releases: v1.19.0, v1.18.0, v1.17.0...
pre-release21 months ago

0.12.0 (2022-10-14)

New Features

  • Added new APIs for async job:
    • Session.create_async_job() to create an AsyncJob instance from a query id.
    • AsyncJob.result() now accepts argument result_type to return the results in different formats.
    • AsyncJob.to_df() returns a DataFrame built from the result of this asynchronous job.
    • AsyncJob.query() returns the SQL text of the executed query.
  • DataFrame.agg() and RelationalGroupedDataFrame.agg() now accept variable-length arguments.
  • Added parameters lsuffix and rsuffix to DataFram.join() and DataFrame.cross_join() to conveniently rename overlapping columns.
  • Added Table.drop_table() so you can drop the temp table after DataFrame.cache_result(). Table is also a context manager so you can use the with statement to drop the cache temp table after use.
  • Added Session.use_secondary_roles().
  • Added functions first_value() and last_value(). (contributed by @chasleslr)
  • Added on as an alias for using_columns and how as an alias for join_type in DataFrame.join().

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Session.create_dataframe() that raised an error when schema names had special characters.
  • Fixed a bug in which options set in were not passed to DataFrame.copy_into_table() as default values.
  • Fixed a bug in which DataFrame.copy_into_table() raises an error when a copy option has single quotes in the value.

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