- (Upgrade) AvaloniaUI from 0.10 to 0.10.2
- (Remove) Unused assemblies
- Issues:
- Improve the performance when loading big lists of issues into the DataGrid
- Auto refresh issues on the vertical highlight tracker once cath a modification on the Issues list
- Layer preview - Difference:
- Layer difference will now only check the pixels inside the union of previous, current and next layer bounding rectangle, increasing the performance and speed
- Previous and next layer pixels if both exists was not showing with the configured color and using the next layer color instead
- Respect Anti-Aliasing pixels and fade colors accordingly
- Unlock the possiblity of using the layer difference on first and last layer
- Add a option to show similar pixels instead of the difference
- Change previous default color from (255, 0, 255) to (81, 131, 82) for better depth preception
- Change next default color from (0, 255, 255) to (81, 249, 252) for better depth preception
- Change previous & next default color from (255, 0, 0) to (246, 240, 216) for better depth preception
- (Fix) Pixel editor:
- Modification was append instead of prepend on the list
- Modification was not updating the index number on the list
- (Fix) PrusaSlicer printer: Bene4 Mono screen, bed and height size