- PrusaSlicer:
- In this release is recommended to discard your printer and refresh it with uvtools updated printer or replace notes over
- (Add) FILEFORMAT_XXX variable to auto-convert to that file format once open in UVtools
- (Update) Print profiles fields with new PrusaSlicer version
- (Remove) LayerOffDelay from printer notes and use only the LightOffDelay variable instead, both were being used, to avoid redundacy LayerOffDelay was dropped. Please update your printer accordingly!
- (Remove) FLIP_XY compability from printers
- (Remove) AntiAlias variable from printers
- (Add) Settings - Automations:
- Auto save the file after apply any automation(s)
- Auto convert SL1 files to the target format when possible and load it back
- Auto set the extra 'light-off delay' based on lift height and speed.
- FileFormats:
- (Add) Allow all and future formats to convert between them without knowing each other (Abstraction)
- (Add) MirrorDisplay property: If images need to be mirrored on lcd to print on the correct orientation (If available)
- (Add) MaxPrintHeight property: The maximum Z build volume of the printer (If available)
- (Add) XYResolution and XYResolutionUm property
- (Change) Round all setters floats to 2 decimals
- (Change) LightOffTime variables to LayerOffDelay
- (Fix) Files with upper case extensions doesn't load in
- (Add) Calculator - Optimal model tilt: Calculates the optimal model tilt angle for printing and to minimize the visual layer effect
- (Add) Bottom layer count to the status bar
- (Add) ZCodex: Print paramenter light-off delay"
- (Change) Island Repair: "Remove Islands Below Equal Pixels" limit from 255 to 65535 (#124)
- (Fix) SL1:
- Prevent error when bottle volume is 0
- bool values were incorrectly parsed
- Implement missing keys: host_type, physical_printer_settings_id and support_small_pillar_diameter_percent
- (Fix) ZIP:
- Material volume was set to grams
- Bed Y was not being set