- Tool - Morph:
- (Add) Operator: White tophat - Removes small isolated pixels and only return its affected pixels (Image - Noise removal)
- (Add) Operator: Black tophat - Closes small holes inside the objects and only return its affected pixels (Gap closing - Image)
- (Add) Operator: Hit or miss - Finds pixels in a given kernel pattern
- (Remove) Operator: 'Isolate features' as that is the same as the 'White tophat' and is already inbuilt into OpenCV
- Kernels:
- (Add) Option: Use dynamic kernel to enhancement the quality of the borders (#367)
- (Add) Kernels are now saved with the operation profile
- PrusaSlicer:
- (Add) Support to slice files to be converted for encrypted CTB format
- (Add) Printer: Elegoo Mars 3 (#370)
- (Add) Printer: EPAX E10 5K
- (Add) Printer: EPAX X10 5K
- (Add) Printer: Phrozen Sonic Mini 8K
- (Add) Printer: Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K
- (Fix) Printer: AnyCubic Photon Mono 4K - display size (#369)
- (Fix) Printer: AnyCubic Photon Mono X 6K - display size (#369)
- (Add) Tool - Double exposure: Kernel configuration
- (Add) Tool - Pixel arithmetic: Kernel configuration
- (Add) Calibration - Elephant foot: Use dynamic kernel to enhancement the quality of the borders (#367)
- (Upgrade) .NET from 5.0.12 to 5.0.13
- (Fix) Calibrate - Elephant foot: Redo (Ctrl + Z) the operation was crashing the application
- (Fix) CTB, PHZ, FDG: Converting files with a null machine name would cause a exception
- (Fix) Anycubic files: Bottom lift and speed were showing default values instead of real used value