- (Add) Program start elapsed seconds on Log
- (Add) Lift heights @ speeds, retract speed, light-off information to status bar
- (Fix) Per layer settings are being lost when doing operations via tools that changes the layer count
- (Fix) Current layer height mm was being calculated instead of showing the stored position Z value (For hacked files)
- (Fix) Zip: By using hacked gcodes were possible to do a lift sequence without returning back to Z layer position
- (Fix) ZCodex: Read per layer lift height/speed, retract speed and pwm from GCode
- (Fix) Status bar, layer top and bottom bar: Break content down for the next line if window size overlaps the controls
- (Fix) Status bar: Make right buttons same height as left buttons
- (Improvement) CWS: Better gcode parser for decoding
- (Change) GCodes: Cure commands (Light-on/Cure time/Light-off) are only exposed when exposure time and pwm are present and greater than 0 [Safe guard]
- (Change) Zip: If only one G0 command found per layer, it will be associated to the cure z position (No lift height)
- (Change) Merged bottom/normal exposure times on status bar
- (Change) Tabs: Change controls spacing from 5 to 2 for better looking
- (Change) Deploy UVtools self-contained per platform specific: (#89)
- Platform optimized
- Reduced the package size
- Includes .NET Core assemblies and dont require the installation of .NET Core
- Can execute UVtools by double click on "UVtools" file or via "./UVtools" on terminal
- Naming: UVtools_[os]-[architecture]_v[version].zip
- "universal" zip file that includes the portable version, os and architecture independent but requires dotnet to run, these build were used in all previous versions