v2.3.2 Release of npmGrafStats
This release adds the ability to filter in Grafana for specific Domains
Main Changes
- made the image 80% smaller
- added filter for single or multiple domains in the Grafana Dashboard (see #27)
- added the container to the github container registry (ghcr.io) as alternative to docker hub (to use add ghcr.io/ in front of smilebasti/npmgrafstats:latest)
- fix spelling in README
All changes in the changelog.md
Breaking changes!
- latest image now doesn't support arm/v7 anymore! Please use latest-arm as tag for arm/v7. Tags for arm64/v8 and amd64 did not change! All tags and architectures can be found on Docker Hub https://hub.docker.com/r/smilebasti/npmgrafstats/tags.
- Replace the Grafana Dashboard with the new one! With ID
or by downloading thenpmGrafStats Map Dashboard Influx v2.3.json
file manually. - Optional: pull the latest (and smaller) image and restart npmGrafStats (Check tag changes!)
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.3.2